At Harrisons we are acutely aware that the insolvency of your employer will bring with it all manner of concerns regarding not only your future employment prospects, but also many questions relating to your entitlements in the unfortunate event that your role becomes redundant and you lose your job. Harrisons is extremely sympathetic to all employees who may find themselves in this situation and, as well as one of our members of staff explaining your employment rights and entitlements to you personally, we have produced an Employee Factsheet, which seeks to provide answers to the majority of the questions that employees are likely to raise. Notwithstanding this, employees are welcome to contact the local Harrisons office dealing with their specific case, details of which can be found in the Contact Us section of this website
Please be aware that if you are seeking to claim Redundancy, Pay in Lieu of Notice, Arrears of Wages or Holiday Pay, this will be processed by the Redundancy Payments Service (RPS). The link below will take you to the RPS webpage from which you can submit your claim online, you will need to have your RPS Case Reference with you to start the process.
Redundancy Payments Service Website –