Our Complaints Policy
Harrisons is committed to providing a professional, fair, efficient and courteous service to all participants in the insolvency process, whether they be creditors, directors, shareholders, bankrupts or debtors.
In the event that you are dissatisfied with any element of the service we provide, then we want you to tell us about it and we will try to resolve your complaint. This will also help us to improve our service.
Our Complaints Procedure
In the first instance, please try to resolve your complaint with the individual with whom you have been dealing or their immediate supervisor, manager or indeed the duly appointed Insolvency Practitioner.
In the event that this does not resolve matters to your satisfaction, please contact Tony Murphy, Client Care Officer, Harrisons Business Recovery and Insolvency ( London ) Limited, 9 Holborn, London, EC1N 2LL, Telephone number 0207 317 9160.
Tony Murphy will pass your complaint to the Director responsible for the appointment in respect of which your complaint is made. However, if your complaint is regarding Tony Murphy, then please contact Tony Murphy, who will then become the Client Care Officer. Tony can be contacted at Harrisons Business Recovery and Insolvency ( London ) Limited, 9 Holborn, London, EC1N 2LL, Telephone number 0207 317 9160.
Whilst we appreciate that you may be frustrated and angry during the initial notification of your complaint, we would respectfully request that you try to remain as courteous as possible when talking to or contacting Tony, whose primary role is to assist you during the process.
In order to assist us with dealing with your complaint as quickly and efficiently as possible, your letter of complaint should include as much detail as possible and, in all cases, the following information:
As the process continues, you should also please let us know as soon as possible if your circumstances or expectations change or if any of the information provided with your letter of complaint changes or ceases to become applicable.
What will happen next?
We will send you a letter acknowledging your complaint and let you know the name of the person who will be dealing with it. We may also ask you to confirm or explain some of the details of your complaint. You can expect to receive this letter within five days of the Client Care Officer receiving your written complaint.
We will record your complaint in our central register and open a file. We will do this within two days of receiving your complaint.
We will then start to investigate your complaint. This may involve one or more of the following steps:
Within three days of receiving all of the details we need, we will either:
Write to you replying to the issues raised by you, detailing our suggestions for resolving the matter; or | Invite you to attend a meeting with us to discuss and hopefully resolve your complaint. |
If you do not want to discuss matters at a meeting, we will write to you in response to your complaint as detailed above and within three days of receiving your confirmation that you do not wish to attend a meeting. If you attend a meeting, we will write to you within seven days of that meeting to confirm what took place and any solutions we have agreed with you.
In the unfortunate event that it is not possible for Harrisons Business Recovery and Insolvency Limited to resolve your complaint, you can refer the complaint to The Insolvency Complaints Gateway, (https://www.gov.uk/complain-about-insolvency-practitioner).
The Insolvency Complaints Gateway will review the complaint and decide whether it is appropriate to refer the matter to the Insolvency Practitioner’s authorising body.
Please note that the Insolvency Service, (the body responsible for running the Insolvency Complaints Gateway) encourages a complainant, in the first instance, to attempt to resolve any grievances via the internal complaints process of the firm in respect of which the complaint is being made.
Complaints should only be referred to the Insolvency Complaints Gateway if attempts to resolve the matter using the firm’s internal complaint process have proved to be unsuccesful.
Our Insolvency Practitioners
Tony Murphy – regulated by the ICAEW (licence number 8716)